Making Sense of Life

We are born into this world knowing little of note. We don’t know how to think well, we don’t know why we are there. We only know how to survive. How to breath, to pump blood and how to cry out for help. From then onwards we learn from our surroundings and the life therein. There is an awful lot to learn. Learning to walk, learning to communicate with a vast dictionary of words and phrases. How to avoid danger, how to survive.

The great emotions and sensitivity of innocence are shed as we grow. Then we come to assimilate into our surroundings. The reality of the world that confronts us. The ways of life become normal to us. We accept the answers given to us as to the questions of why we are here and what does it all mean.

Such answers that are available are simple and understanable. Such answers as we are put here to challenge our decency so that we can pass away and be rewarded or punished. The forthcoming answer to all of everything is that it is all controlled by beings much greater than us. We are told it is mostly out of our control and it is not our place to question further for the answer has been told. To complain against the answer is blasphemy.

If our lives go smoothly then there is no point in questioning our religion. For as long as there were humans, deep into history the mere wonders of existing here on planet Earth were too amazing to even think about questioning our given faith. Before the sciences existed all was miraculous and other-worldly. Life was about survival in this mythical realm of Earth. Death was common and was given reverence as part of our spiritual existence. Ours was not to question why but to struggle to survive against all odds and for our Gods in this manner.

Then through our efforts we gained enough time to think; time to observe and understand this mythical world. The sciences were founded and our knowledge grew past fantasy. We learned so much so quickly because we had the aid of the technology groomed from the trial and error of the struggle to survive.

We learned what was unthinkable for humans of the past. Such facts that lifeforms so small they were invisible to past humanity were the reason we fell ill and died. The more we learned the greater the chinks in the armor of the stated religions became. The honoured explanations of what life was all about started to show obvious flaws in logic.

It is only recently now that science has allowed so many to survive to old age that the questions of existence are put to a more serious test. Many of us still assmililate the meanings of life driven into us as children. Yet the harsh facts of life added to the new knowledge of the sciences opens such gaping holes in the historical explanations of life that we begin to wonder what is the real reality.

Not all of us want to wonder about reality. If you’re told that everything is all the work of a great being and your life mirrors that then why worry about enlightenment? Such questions are huge and we are not designed to properly answer them. Yet there must be an answer. Philosophy is the love of all the sciences and to philosophise is to give oneself the freedom to question everything. Something that was forbidden and abbhorant for a many years past.

Darwin’s findings, the proof of evolution put the greatest question mark upon what we thought to be real. We are still reeling from his revelations as a species. How to stomach the fact that our lives could all be an accident brough forth by the mixing of random elements of matter and energy. Compared to the controlled and directed commandments of great beings. Compared to a life of mystery and phantasm with life after the struggle in heaven. His findings are a bitter pill to swallow. Being an accidental creature brought to sentience through mere chance with no more and no less to everything you experience, who would want to think in such a way?

Before we had such an interlinked web of communication, before even the printing press there was no way to share the facts of the world around us all. Before the world could have indeed been flat as it appeared that way to most. Now that the technological science of communication has been discovered and has spread we now know of lives lived beyond our horizons. We know so much from our explorations that we now know and understand the lives of people everywhere on the surface of the Earth are similar in substance to our own.

The wonders of the world are well documented and in having been so, seem less wonderous. The status quo of what we currently deem normal has blinded us to the fact that everything here is awe inspiring and amazing. We adapt so well as human beings that we have become accustomed to what would be miracles upon miracles to a human born into a tribe years ago.

A machete would be a thing of wonder to a prehistoric person with a flint axe. Such rapid advancements that we have today brought about by the growth of the species would leave the prehistoric person in a state of awe. The recent rapid growth of the species has come from the understanding of medicines and vaccination. It left us so abundant in spare time that our inventions and industry has created genuine wonders previously beyond belief.

Due to what we are as human beings a new invention, a new wonder to the world soon becomes commonplace and ordinary, a part of the status quo. This is due to our adaptability as humans. We are designed to focus on what to do next and not to gape in the wonder of life. We are genetically designed to filter it all out so that we can concentrate on the problems at present.

Only under the influence of strong hallucinagenics do we have pause for thought to look upon the creations we work so hard upon under any real light of reality to be awestruck by them. The things we grow used to such as plumbing, electricity, vehicles; the list is near endless. The very air around us is full of signals containing communication of pictures and audio and we shrug such wonders off as ephemeral.

Every modern home is such a maelstrom of activity and wonders combining technologies and substances from all over and under the planet. From the mirrors on the walls to the varying pigments of the paint. The wood from forests down to the metals from quarries. The electricity in the sockets powering the amazing televisions and the incredible computers. The history behind each and every part of a modern home; all hewn from trial and error stemming from the first stone hand-axe.

We should be in a constant state of shock at what we have achieved and a constant state of happiness to the comforts we enjoy. That cars pass by a home is something we take for granted, for obviously we are designed to do so. For vehicles and the road networks are incredible beyond belief! Millions upon millions travelling at great speeds when death is just one erratic movement of a steering wheel away. Satelites orbiting the planet communicate with smartphones telling us how to navigate to our destinations even. Life should leave us speechless at the power of humanity to adapt and overcome. The great powers we have attained to bend substance to our will.

Yet if you ask most people what life is about in modern day they will reply that it isn’t about awe and wonder from our creation, they will say it is all about money. Money was at first stuff of true value, from pewter Groats to gold Deblunes. It was precious metals that could be melted down and put to valuable usage. They were replaced by non-precious metals, inked paper and digits in computers. The metals were too valuable to be wasted as bartering chips. Ever since then humanity has lost touch with much of their sense of reality and been bamboozled by the myth of the status quo to keep us working.

We treasure it for we have been divided from tribes into family units, from family units into individuals. An individual without money is thrown out into the cold and left to beg for scraps and mercy like a stray animal. Those with lots of currency to their name are worshipped and treated like kings and queens by other people too scared of penury not to. The capitalist economy is a scam co-ordinated by the wealthy to keep their power over other humans.

Life is confusing and one great rule of life on Earth is that if you leave a defence down then something else will exploit that weakness. Be it an undefended city, a weak immune system, a wild creature with an injured leg. Any chink in your armour leads to suffering and loss as nature takes its course and exploits that weakness taking the value away and replacing it with something with better defences. According to evolution it is how we came to be so brilliant and capable creatures ourselves.

Money is not fully an abstract concept however. The very value each country’s citizens put into their currency makes it stuff of real value that others desire for barter. Without it how would a plumber trade for food from someone who already has ample plumbing for example? A weathly person who does not wish to work has nothing to trade and would be shunned out into the cold so you can see the practicality for them to maintain the status quo.

The need to have money to survive the bitter harshnesses of nature, the very need to eat and drink has in fact given us abundance. Technology has progressed rapidly with it as one of our rules. So much so that we mostly all accept its rule. So useful it is to be able to trade for almost anything. To have products grown/created and given to us, to have power supplied to our homes and our waste taken out of our homes.

Yet it has left us in a state of madness where we are not content with our modern homes nor the people around us for all are in competition against each other for wealth. The rich are not deeply religious nor wise people. If they had true depth they would share their wealth and the economy would run in a cyclical system and not as a pyramid. The brutal war in Vietnam is an example of the lengths of brainwashing the rich are willing to go to in order to be treated like royalty everywhere they go.

Communism was strong in ideology but weak in practicality compared to Capitalism. The Communist people could not trade ubiquitously with everyone on the planet and so progressed slower triggering its demise. The reason it was created in the first place was that people had no food to eat as all the money had gone to the top because of the pyramidical nature Capitalism functions upon. The situation made so little sense to the masses that they tried to eradicate finances completely.

In the Capitalist economies, people were educated to fear and hate Communism to sustain the position of the wealthy and the speed of productivity we prolong to this day. We are brainwashed into accepting it from infancy. We should not be so open to manipulation that leads us to the madnesses of modern day.

The pyramidical system we sustain means that many become corrupt. A Heroin dealer or doctor bribed into prescribing Opiats are prime examples of how this system has corrupted us. Our moral fibre is broken when money is on the table. Innocent people are cohersed into being given addictions and problems beyond their control. We bow, steal and prostitute ourselves for money when we know it is not the right thing for us to do to be healthy. The planet becomes polluted and the only beacon of light and life in a sky of empty lifeless bodies and we’re destroying it when we know it is a bad idea. This is unstoppable because all are individuals, all are divided and the easy rewards of destruction are of great value.

Wherever there are rich people there are many more poor people. It takes wealth to attain more wealth for the most part such is the pyramidical nature of finances. So the value citizens put in their country’s currency, the digits on the computer screen they are made desperate to work for for fear of starvation all flow to a few whilst the masses are left without what they need.

People in this global economy are not pleased nor happy. We cannot settle snug in our homes as all are set against each other in competition and fear of not being allowed by others to survive. The majority of the species basically cannot enjoy their lives because of the strain money puts on us and the products it takes away from the poor.

Machines have taken the need for the hard work of many away from them. Hard labour is becoming a thing of the past whilst the true wealth of the products the machines produce cannot be afforded by those who lost their job to the machine. The fact is that the current system we all sustain, be it by brainwashing others into going to war for a flag to sustain their wealth or by being brainwashed and loyally accepting the status quo; the system is driving us to ruin.

The universe may be full of planets with dead failed civilisations who have fallen into the same pattern. Who have not learned to become sustainable ecosystems due to the pyramidical nature of power. Money is worth power over others. With most of us so dazed and confused by existence that we don’t know what is real or not and argue against free healthcare as people do in the modern world today; we are very vulnerable.

Finances bring with them great social ills. It is not safe to walk down every street on Earth for fear of being mugged. With this state we are all segregated on a planet with only an illusion of freedom. The main focus of the rich is to keep the poor divided, isolated, helpless and utterly powerless to control this fate. Those without the same chances the rich have in life, though equal in genes they often end up locked in a cage after commiting crimes. The only solution is to cycle the money from the top of the pyramid to the bottom of society enough so that people have a fair choice to not become corrupt and commit crimes.

If everyone had enough wealth to reliably purchase food and goods then they would think twice before mugging an innocent wealthy person walking around a poorer neighborhood. The fact that currently doctors prescribe Opiats in exchange for kick-back bribes donates there still would be crimes as doctors are wealthy already they just want more. However with an educated and financially secure population social reforms would be more common as money will not be the only rule everyone is forced to obey. Crimes would be exposed and dealt with rather than be commonplace. Wars and the rape of the planet would be deemed uneccessary as nobody would be desperate enough to cause them if all were comfortable enough to live in peace. All we need to do to accomplish this is to cycle the wealth from the top of the pyramid to the bottom enough for people to feel safe in their lives and comfortable in their survival.

It’s the only way to create a sustainable life here on Earth now that we have learned all we have from the sciences. To not become a civilisation destined towards our own poverty and destruction. The boom in industry we experience is not really due to capitalism it comes from the population growth that stemmed from modern medicine. If people are in poverty they will have more children than the planet can sustain. If they don’t feel the pinch we do in our modern lives then they will be more amicable to smaller families eradicating over-population and the problems it would bring.

We are at a very sensitive stage in our progression now that we have conquered the most aggresive of viruses and bacteria. We need to move with the times and adapt to this new situation of having a long life to lead.

Eric W Dawson Friday 31st January 2020


The problem with life and most philosophical thought these days (aside from the people who will accept nothing is real even though 2 poeple can agree it is) is that all scientific works seem to disprove the idea of a soul, an afterlife, a god; everything.
However this may sound crazy, but the science so far does not seem to match up with the reality of actually being conscious and experiencing a varied life.

Science says we are robots. And yes we are. But is that all we are?
I’m a very silly robot if that’s all I am.
And I can be outsmarted by a handheld calculator even though I have a massive brain.
Science tells us to make a conscious computer is probably impossible at the moment.
Let’s think about Artificial Intelligence.. We can already make a chatterbot that with text can pretend it is human. But that is definitely a robot because it is born with all its knowledge of how to answer and how to speak already built in. Its willpower is only a need to automatically answer questions.
We are born with many many robots inside us. Each cell in our bodies is like a robot. They come from many many years of trial and error at existing (evolution).
It’s probably why a schizophrenic hears voices, and why we dream. Because there is much intelligence in a network of human braincells. So why is there only normally 1 of us inside our heads.
Why is there 1 mind’s eye, 1 witness, 1 I?
Why doesn’t some other part of you live your life. Why don’t your alter egos live the life, and dream the dreams?
What if a brain needed something else to function and continue the species?
Some central willpower to keep it going.
A dead brain is a dead brain. A live brain has a center. A consciousness. Would a load of robots really survive if left on planet Earth to endure its suffering and dance its dances for no particular reason?
What if we need a soul just to be alive and think properly?

In the vastness of the universe and all possible dimensions if that was required for the human species to function, then at some point in the vastness of everything that would probably exist.

And if it is happening here it would make us a sort of symbiotic parasite that fastens to a life form and gives it direction and drive in return for continuing the species.
If that is the case, where is the line drawn where it isn’t needed any more?
Would a plant require willpower, or an insect?
Insects sure seem to be thinking something.
They may even feel emotion for all we know.
They seem to understand pain and fear.
They have a drive to live.
Where do the robots part with something that feels real?
Feels real to the thing that is alive??

If any of us are wanting to have souls, even by force of technology we have to create souls just to have one. Well, it’s evident that there’s a line to cross where something would not have a soul and be pure robot, and that might not include insects. Which would make each insect our equals.

And every animal alive D:.
We feel so special and better because we are human, though we’re about as huge as an ant in the great scheme of things. A tiny tiny ant.
And we live these lives where we don’t notice this super thick stew of life all around us and within us. We’re only a bunch of electrons and atoms bouncing around anyway, what is to say one of them isn’t a soul?
A willpower and a witness.

I don’t feel like a robot and that might be why.

Nick.Eliot 08/14/2013